All the trees are tapped

Tree tapping for the 2011 season at Windswept Maples Farm was completed today. This year's total number of taps is 6070, which is an increase of approximately 600 taps from the previous season. At our farm, the majority of maple trees have only a single tap per tree, which means around 5900 trees are actually in production. Studies have shown that for trees on a vacuum system, increasing the number of taps on a tree does not result in a significant increase in sap yield. Therefore, to maintain yields while minimizing tree damage, we generally will only drill one 5/16 inch hole in a tree under 24 inches in diameter. With all the trees tapped, and good sugaring weather in the immediate forecast, we're expecting a good start to the season this coming week. Stay tuned for updates on production, and information about the process of making pure maple syrup in New Hampshire.